reede, september 18

kolmapäev, september 16

Väljasõidult kogutud elutarkused

Käisin Haapsalus.
Erialane väljasõit.
Täitsa tore oli.
Vaatamata pisukestele viperustele.
Näiteks kukkus mul tänaval seelik seljast... Oli niigi lai ja siis läks miskipärast lukk katkski. Ju siis kui seelik saapahaakidesse takerdus. Igastahes tundsin, kuidas kuidagi tagumiku peale mahe tuuleke puhub. Õnneks oli mantel peal ja tänaval pold kedagi nägemas.
Piinlik igal juhul.
Kallis ülemus päästis hädast ja andis niiti-nõela.
Sealt ka mitu tarkust - ühel korralikul daamil on nipperkotis ALATI paar haaknõela, niit ja nõel, nuuskpiiritus ja validool.
Ja esmaabi kursustele peaks minema.
Kaitseliitu tegelikult astuks hääl meelel, sealt saaks ka muidu kasulikke ja tarvilikke teadmisi ja oskusi.

A jah.
Et siis Haapsalu.
Sääl avati suvel Iloni Imedemaa.
Seda käisime ka kaemas.
Meisterdasin kaltsutite ja joonistasin Karlssonile üksiku kuke.
Pilti tegin ka mõned.

Ja lossihoovis on krdima äge laste mänguväljak. Tõepoolest mõnusad atraktsioonid.
Vaadake ka...

pühapäev, september 6

Kaks korda Hallelujah

Juba eelmisest reedest on mul pleilistis 8 tunnine valik "ilusaid lugusid" ning kaks neist kummitavad mind...

(Vaatamata sellele, et mõni mu sõpradest aeg-ajalt viskab nalja teemal, et mind ei tohi lasta pleilisti kokku panema, sest siis tuleb sealt ju ainult koledat muusikat, kuulan ma tegelikult igast kraami.)

Rufus Wainwright

I heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, the major lift, the baffled king composing Hallelujah


Your faith was strong but you needed proof, you saw her bathing on the roof, her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to a kitchen chair, she broke your throne, she cut your hair, and from your lips she drew the Hallelujah


Maybe I have been here before, I know this room; I have walked this floor, I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the marble arch, love is not a victory march, it's a cold and its a broken Hallelujah


There was a time you let me know whats really going on below, but now you never show it to me, do you? (and)
Remember when I moved in you; the holy dark was moving too, and every breath we drew was Hallelujah


Maybe there's a God above, and all I ever learned from love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
And its not a cry you can hear at night, its not somebody who's seen the light, its a cold and its a broken Hallelujah



Nick Cave
Alguses on intervjuu, 1.40pealt algab lugu.
Ja põmst jään ma vist enda lause juurde kidlaks, et Nick'il on kõikse seksikam lauluhääl üldse...

On the first day of May I took to the road
I'd been staring out the window most of the morning
I'd watched the rain claw at the glass
And a vicious wind blew hard and fast
I should have taken it as a warning
As a warning As a warning
As a warning

I'd given my nurse the weekend off
My meals were ill prepared
My typewriter had turned mute as a tomb
And my piano crouched in the corner of my room
With all its teeth bared
All its teeth bared All its teeth bared
All its teeth bared.

Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah

I left my house without my coat
Something my nurse would not have allowed
And I took the small roads out of town
And I passed a cow and the cow was brown
And my pyjamas clung to me like a shroud
Like a shroud Like a shroud
Like a shroud

There rose before me a little house
With all hope and dreams kept within
A woman's voice close to my ear
Said, "Why don't you come in here?"
"You looked soaked to the skin"
Soaked to the skin Soaked to the skin
Soaked to the skin

Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah

I turned to the woman and the woman was young
I extended a hearty salutation
But I knew if my nurse had been here
She would never in a thousand years
Permit me to accept that invitation
Invitation That invitation
That invitation

Now, you might think it wise to risk it all
Throw caution to the reckless wind
But with her hot cocoa and her medication
My nurse had been my one salvation
So I turned back home
I turned back home I turned back home
Singing my song

The tears are welling in my eyes again
I need twenty big buckets to catch them in
And twenty pretty girls to carry
them down
And twenty deep holes to bury them in
The tears are welling in my eyes again
I need twenty big buckets to catch them in
And twenty pretty girls to carry them down
And twenty deep holes to bury them in